13 Best Free Game Programming eBooks
EBooks are fast becoming the part and parcel of our lives. However, we don’t mean to say that the paper books are losing their importance, but then in today’s technologically advanced e…
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Mark Kruger, 5x SharePoint MVP, iImagineIT, Inc. consultant specializing in Microsoft 365, Office 365, SharePoint, Knowledge Management, Software Development, Architecture Solutions, Delve, PowerApps, PowerAutomate, PowerBI, Teams, Stream, Yammer, Sway, etc.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Droppin' Knowledge the Digital Way - LiveTiles
Thanks for LiveTiles for inviting me to share some of my thoughts about the Digitial Workplace, SharePoint, and Knowledge Management
Published by: Jon Lisi What is knowledge management? Don’t worry, this isn’t a philosophy exam. Knowledge Management (KM) may sound like a boring, industry tech term, but it’s essential to …
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Published by: Jon Lisi What is knowledge management? Don’t worry, this isn’t a philosophy exam. Knowledge Management (KM) may sound like a boring, industry tech term, but it’s essential to …
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Friday, February 26, 2016
How Sci-Fi Predicted The Future Of Modern Computer Science
Interesting video on 'How #Sci-Fi Predicted The Future Of Modern #ComputerScience' #tech
To celebrate the release of Star Wars: Episode VII, The New Jersey Institute of Technology brings you a countdown of how sci-fi predicted the future of modern computer…
from iImagineIT, Inc.
To celebrate the release of Star Wars: Episode VII, The New Jersey Institute of Technology brings you a countdown of how sci-fi predicted the future of modern computer…
from iImagineIT, Inc.
The 101 Guide To Telling a Compelling Story With Data - Maptive
The 101 Guide To Telling a Compelling Story With Data #dataviz #bigdata
Tim O’Brien once said, “Storytelling is the essential human activity. The harder the situation, the more essential it is.” This applies to everything in life, especially data. Contently reinforced...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Tim O’Brien once said, “Storytelling is the essential human activity. The harder the situation, the more essential it is.” This applies to everything in life, especially data. Contently reinforced...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
How to Use Data Visualizations to Win Over Your Audience
How to Use Data Visualizations to Win Over Your Audience
Why are massive news outlets, such as New York Times and Wall Street Journal, more trustworthy in people’s minds than lets say a lesser known blog? These gigantic examples have been around for years…
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Why are massive news outlets, such as New York Times and Wall Street Journal, more trustworthy in people’s minds than lets say a lesser known blog? These gigantic examples have been around for years…
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Updated people profile experience coming soon to Office 365 - Office Blogs
Updated people profile experience coming soon to Office 365 - Office Blogs
We’re pleased to announce an update to the Office 365 people profile experience under Delve, which consolidates the profile and activity pages to make it easier for you to discover relevant content,...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
We’re pleased to announce an update to the Office 365 people profile experience under Delve, which consolidates the profile and activity pages to make it easier for you to discover relevant content,...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Office 365—monthly Dev Digest for February - Office Blogs
Office 365—monthly Dev Digest for February - Office Blogs
Welcome to the 12th edition of Dev Digest, designed to help you—the Office 365 developer—keep up to date with what's new in Office 365 development. Look for our monthly Dev Digest on the third Thursday...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Welcome to the 12th edition of Dev Digest, designed to help you—the Office 365 developer—keep up to date with what's new in Office 365 development. Look for our monthly Dev Digest on the third Thursday...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Updates to Office 365 Groups - Office Blogs
Updates to Office 365 Groups - Office Blogs
Office 365 Groups are shared workspaces where group members can collectively get things done. When you set up a group, it automatically creates a shared inbox, group calendar, a place to save and share...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Office 365 Groups are shared workspaces where group members can collectively get things done. When you set up a group, it automatically creates a shared inbox, group calendar, a place to save and share...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Hybrid resources for Office 365 with SharePoint Online via @SharePoint
Hybrid resources for Office 365 with SharePoint Online & OneDrive + SharePoint Server https://t.co/sQFobLgl0w pic.twitter.com/4SrJvmhSLb
— Microsoft SharePoint (@SharePoint) February 20, 2016
11 innovative Microsoft products that failed badly- The Times of India
11 innovative #Microsoft products that failed badly #product
Microsoft has had many successful products -- Windows, Office, Azure, and Xbox, to name a few. There are, however, many projects that never took off because company executives didn't see the potential...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Microsoft has had many successful products -- Windows, Office, Azure, and Xbox, to name a few. There are, however, many projects that never took off because company executives didn't see the potential...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
National Crime Agency - Cyber crime
Make yourself aware of the most common #CyberThreats to consumers and businesses via @NCA_UK #CyberSecurity
The NCA's mission is to lead the UK's fight to cut serious and organised crime.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
The NCA's mission is to lead the UK's fight to cut serious and organised crime.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Friday, February 19, 2016
How to Design a Billion Dollar Company — Life Hacks for Business
How to Design a Billion Dollar Company — Life Hacks for Business — Medium
Question: What do Airbnb, Snapchat and Uber all have in common (besides multibillion-dollar valuations)? ¶ Answer: None…
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Question: What do Airbnb, Snapchat and Uber all have in common (besides multibillion-dollar valuations)? ¶ Answer: None…
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Companies Favoring SharePoint Server Over Office 365 Use -- Redmondmag.com
Companies Favoring SharePoint Server Over Office 365 Use
An industry study found that that most organizations used SharePoint Server on premises in 2015, rather than the SharePoint Online service.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
An industry study found that that most organizations used SharePoint Server on premises in 2015, rather than the SharePoint Online service.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
8 great examples of complex data visualized http://buff.ly/1K9o3Hb #dataviz #bigdata #datascience buff.ly/1K9o3Hk
“8 great examples of complex data visualized https://t.co/GroCiwcuy1 #dataviz #bigdata #datascience”
from iImagineIT, Inc.
“8 great examples of complex data visualized https://t.co/GroCiwcuy1 #dataviz #bigdata #datascience”
from iImagineIT, Inc.
This simple but awesome mod brings Lego to the Surface Pro 3
This simple but awesome mod brings #Lego to the #Surface Pro 3 | Windows Central
The Reddit user "Splice1138" posted up a series of photos showing off his Surface Pro 3 modification. He took a Lego backplate and cut it so it would fit on the back of the tablet, so he could attach...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
The Reddit user "Splice1138" posted up a series of photos showing off his Surface Pro 3 modification. He took a Lego backplate and cut it so it would fit on the back of the tablet, so he could attach...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Four lessons for brands in the wake of the Amazon fake reviews scandal
Four lessons for #brands in the wake of the Amazon fake reviews scandal #marketing
Four lessons for brands in the wake of the Amazon fake reviews scandal, What can brands do to turn their consumers into advocates? Bryan Adams, CEO and founder of digital agency Ph.Creative, outlines...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Four lessons for brands in the wake of the Amazon fake reviews scandal, What can brands do to turn their consumers into advocates? Bryan Adams, CEO and founder of digital agency Ph.Creative, outlines...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
What is a brand? - Infinite Visions
What is a #brand? by @IVbranding Infinite Visions
The effect of a complete and well-constructed brand produces a seemingly inexplicable magnetism that draws the browsing consumer. To take an example that everyone can relate to...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
The effect of a complete and well-constructed brand produces a seemingly inexplicable magnetism that draws the browsing consumer. To take an example that everyone can relate to...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Half the World's Population Lives in Just 1% of the Land [Map] - Metrocosm
Half the World's Population Lives in Just 1% of the Land [Map] - Metrocosm
Half the world’s population lives in the yellow. The other half lives in the black. This map was created using gridded population data compiled by NASA. Whereas populations are typically broken...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Half the world’s population lives in the yellow. The other half lives in the black. This map was created using gridded population data compiled by NASA. Whereas populations are typically broken...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
22 #BigData experts share their predictions for 2016 http://buff.ly/1o5xnSm #datascience #datascientists buff.ly/1o5xnSr
“22 #BigData experts share their predictions for 2016 https://t.co/nvI7gKw2Oy #datascience #datascientists”
from iImagineIT, Inc.
“22 #BigData experts share their predictions for 2016 https://t.co/nvI7gKw2Oy #datascience #datascientists”
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Friday, February 12, 2016
How to back up your data from the cloud
How to back up your data from the #cloud - http://buff.ly/1P39vI3
Local backups of cloud storage
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Local backups of cloud storage
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Five Free Android Apps You Didn't Know Microsoft Made - NDTV
Five Free #Android Apps You Didn't Know #Microsoft Made | NDTV buff.ly/1QVM3vM
Here's a list of the best Android apps made by none other than Microsoft. Hint: It's not just MS Office.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Here's a list of the best Android apps made by none other than Microsoft. Hint: It's not just MS Office.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
New book: Enterprise Mobility with App Management, Office 365, and Threat Mitigation: Beyond BYOD - Microsoft Press - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
New book: Enterprise Mobility with App Management, Office 365, and Threat Mitigation: - http://buff.ly/1O1RDJu
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
from iImagineIT, Inc.
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Microsoft Team Unveils SharePoint Search Diagnostic Tool -- Redmondmag.com
Microsoft Team Unveils SharePoint Search Diagnostic Tool
Microsoft's premier field engineers for search have produced a new tool to help organizations troubleshoot SharePoint Server search issues.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Microsoft's premier field engineers for search have produced a new tool to help organizations troubleshoot SharePoint Server search issues.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Datafloq - The One-Stop Shop for Big Data
7 Important Big Data Trends for 2016 via @VanRijmenam
Datafloq - Connecting Data and People
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Datafloq - Connecting Data and People
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Here’s how much Google paid the guy who bought Google.com last year
Here's how much Google paid the guy who bought buff.ly/1Qy5Gef last year http://buff.ly/1Qy5Gej
Google had to buy Google.com back from someone last year. Here's how much it paid.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Google had to buy Google.com back from someone last year. Here's how much it paid.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
The Art of Programming
The Art of Programming
One of the most consolidated misconceptions about programming, since the early days, is the idea that such activity is p…
from iImagineIT, Inc.
One of the most consolidated misconceptions about programming, since the early days, is the idea that such activity is p…
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Microsoft's Power BI sports new 'publish to Web' feature
Microsoft's Power BI sports new 'publish to Web' feature - http://buff.ly/1VRlev7
Microsoft's Power BI data visualization service is making it possible for companies to share their business information with the world in an interactive format.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Microsoft's Power BI data visualization service is making it possible for companies to share their business information with the world in an interactive format.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
How To Create A Useful Value Proposition w/ Examples
How To Create A Useful Value Proposition w/ Examples
Value proposition is the #1 thing that determines whether people will bother reading more about your product or hit the back button. It's also the
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Value proposition is the #1 thing that determines whether people will bother reading more about your product or hit the back button. It's also the
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Everything you ever wanted or needed to know about big data - Import.io
Everything You Ever Wanted (Or Needed) To Know About Big Data #bigdata #dataviz #datascience
Big Data is a phrase that gets bandied about quite a bit in the media, the board room – and everywhere in between. It’s been used, overused and used incorrectly so many times that it’s become difficult...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Big Data is a phrase that gets bandied about quite a bit in the media, the board room – and everywhere in between. It’s been used, overused and used incorrectly so many times that it’s become difficult...
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Monday, February 1, 2016
New to Office 365 in January—new inking tools, collaboration improvements, Office Insider builds now available for Mac and more - Office Blogs
New to #Office365 in January—new inking tools, collaboration improvements - Office Blogs http://buff.ly/1NMJXL4
We’re improving the inking experience so writing and drawing with your finger, pen or stylus are more intuitive and powerful. We’re also bringing PowerPoint Designer and Morph to additional platforms....
from iImagineIT, Inc.
We’re improving the inking experience so writing and drawing with your finger, pen or stylus are more intuitive and powerful. We’re also bringing PowerPoint Designer and Morph to additional platforms....
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Box, Dropbox users can now edit Office documents together in real time
#Box, #Dropbox users can now edit #Office documents together in real time - CIO
Business users who rely on cloud storage providers like Dropbox and Box now have some improved tools in their collaboration arsenal, thanks to a set of integrations that Microsoft announced Wednesday.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
Business users who rely on cloud storage providers like Dropbox and Box now have some improved tools in their collaboration arsenal, thanks to a set of integrations that Microsoft announced Wednesday.
from iImagineIT, Inc.
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